
Welcome to Photoshop Tutorials

Getting Started
Work with screen mode, picking colors, basic editing tools, editing menus, keyboard shortcuts and much more. Learn tips and tricks, cool effects, and how to use the Photoshop tools more effectively.

Text Effects
Use Type Mask tools, apply layer masks, use extreme curves, apply filters, apply filters, liquify type, apply layer styles, changing Fill opacity and more.

Photo Effects
Learn Gradient Map, apply a filter, 3D Transform filter, make a drop shadow, apply a layer style, create your layer style, create effects, blend images together, create a collage of images, create a screened area on an image, create rounded corners, and many more.

Photo Retouch
Here you'll find all of the retouching tutorials and tricks. You'll learn how to do all sorts of neat things, including retouching old ripped photos, getting rid of those shiny spots on foreheads, and adjusting the saturation of small areas.

Special Effects
Create great effects by adding bevels, applying inner and outer glows, creating a color overlay, adding strokes and more.


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