
Dream Duotone Photo Effect

Easy way to convert your photos into Dream Duotone Effect.

Step 1: Open any image.

Step 2: Go to Image> Mode> Greyscale. A message will pop up asking you if you want to discard color information, click OK and continue.

After Click Discard your Image looks like:

Step 3: Duplicate the layer and go to Image> Mode> Duotone. Select colors depending on the toning that you want to give to your photo.
Here's is my setting:

Step 4: Set the layer blending mode to 'Screen' and Opacity to '70%'.

Step 5: Merge the layer together by pressing Ctrl+E.
Now pnnress 'D' to reset your color palette.
Create a new layer and go to Filter> Render Clouds and set the layer blending mode 'Screen' and Opacity to '10%':

Here's is the Final Result!:


  • not bad, but cant see the cloud effect on my screen.....
    and how did you manage to get kate winslets sis to pose for you?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At October 1, 2009 at 6:59 AM  

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